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AAWP vs AFFI Product Comparison for Zimmwriter Product Roundup


This is a quick video comparing the Two (2) Amazon product box plugins Matt recommended for the Zimmwriter Bulk Product Roundup. AAFi versus AAWP

Here are the links mentioned:

TLDR: AAWP is the preferred plugin for creating professionallooking product boxes with clickable titles and more content, making it the better choice for creating product roundups for smart home devices.

1. 00:00 A comparison of Amazon product box plugins for a more professional look, with the speaker preferring AAWP for its short code and flexibility.

2. 01:19 Zimwriter product roundup compares AAWP and AFFI product widgets for smart home devices.

3. 02:57 A comparison of product boxes from AAWP and AFFI plugins for Zimmwriter.

4. 04:35 AAWP has bigger, more professionallooking boxes with clickable titles and more content, while AFFI has limited boxes with a shadow effect, making it easy to compare and decide which one to use.

5. 06:04 AAWP and AFFI widgets for smart home devices are easy to customize and use.

6. 06:50 Use specific short codes for AAWP and AFFI plugins in Zimmwriter's AI Vault to customize product roundup widgets with Amazon override and other settings.

7. 07:59 Use keywords to find links for smart home products, review each link to ensure quality before including in roundup.

8. 08:55 The speaker demonstrates how to use custom prompts and codes for AAWP and AFFI products, then starts the roundup process and provides links for further information.

posted by probatest8