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A Simple Multimillionaire Index Fund Plan

Marriage Kids and Money

When I started my investing journey, I WISH I knew the power and simplicity of index funds. Investing would have been so much easier and I would be SO much further along in my financial independence journey.

An index fund is designed to allow investors–that's you!–to buy little slices of all the companies traded on different stock market indexes rather than spending hours researching and actively trading stocks.

Here are just a few reasons index funds are AMAZING:

✅Diversify for less risk: You don't have to worry about picking the next best company. Instead, you own shares of all of them. That way, if one company has a bad year or folds entirely, there are plenty of other companies to balance out that loss.

✅Reduce fees to make more money: Actively managed funds with fund managers can come with high fees. Index funds do not.

✅Set it and forget it: There's no need to actively monitor your account, trying to time when to buy and when to sell. And of course, there's no need to worry about commissions on trades or highfee actively managed funds.

Ready to discover the power of index funds?

Learn more about how Index Funds can make you a millionaire with Personal Finance Club's course: (affiliate)

posted by prisilitilz