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A Race Against Blindness: A Dad's Journey of Inspiration and Resilience Amidst a Rare Diagnosis

Motherhood Unstressed

Stephen Johnston is a father, radiologist, nonprofit founder, and Ironman athlete, who faced his son Luke's lifealtering diagnosis with resilience and determination.

At just seven years old, Luke was diagnosed with a rare disease: retinitis pigmentosa and BardetBiedl Syndrome (BBS). With no medical intervention available for BBSrelated retinitis pigmentosa, Luke faced the prospect of slowly losing his vision, eventually leading to blindness in his teenage years.

Undeterred by the daunting prognosis, Stephen embarked on a mission to save his son's sight. Connecting with a UKbased researcher on the cusp of human clinical trials for a potential treatment, Stephen founded A Race Against Blindness to raise $1 million for sightsaving research.

Through his relentless efforts, Stephen has raised over six figures, garnering attention from major media outlets like GoodMorningAmerica.com and various TV news stations. His story is not just about fundraising; it's about finding purpose in adversity and redefining resilience as a parent.

In this episode, Stephen shares invaluable insights on parenting through tough situations, setting a strong example for your children, and navigating coparenting postdivorce, especially when faced with unexpected challenges like a serious medical condition.

In this episode we discuss:

Finding Your Purpose Amidst Adversity and Channeling Change: Stephen discusses discovering his passion amidst his son's diagnosis and the complex emotions that accompany finding purpose in difficult situations.

Making a Safe Space for Your Children Through Effective CoParenting PostDivorce: Stephen offers practical tips on coparenting through adversity, drawing from his experience of reevaluating priorities and fostering family unity postdiagnosis.

Setting a Strong Example: Modeling a Balance of Strength and Vulnerability for Your Children: Stephen shares how he redefined resilience and vulnerability to become a better parent, inspiring listeners to shift their mindset and embrace challenges.

Parenting a Child Through Tough News: Stephen reflects on communicating difficult diagnoses to children, offering coping strategies and parenting tools to support children through challenging times.

Tune in to gain valuable insights from Stephen's journey and learn how to navigate parenthood with resilience and grace.

Connect with Stephen

Web: https://araceagainstblindness.org

Instagram: a.race.against.blindness

Youtube: A.Race.Against.Blindness

Connect with Liz

Instagram @motherhoodunstressed

Youtube Motherhood Unstressed


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