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99% of Saluki Owners Don't Know This

Dogs Wiz

Did you know Salukis were revered by ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Sumerians? But how did these cultures integrate Salukis into their daily lives and religious practices?

The Saluki, an ancient and regal breed, epitomizes grace and elegance with its slender, athletic build and silky, flowing coat that adorns its majestic frame. Renowned for its speed and agility, the Saluki carries an aura of noble bearing, tracing back to its revered status as the "Royal Dog of Egypt." Radiating an aura of aloofness combined with loyalty, the Saluki possesses an independent spirit yet forms deep bonds with its chosen human companions.

Whether it's their swift movements reminiscent of desert winds or their timeless depiction in ancient art, exploring these 32 Saluki Facts is sure to deepen your understanding and appreciation for this majestic breed.


0:00 Intro
0:04 Fact 1 5
1:27 Fact 6 10
2:39 Fact 11 15
4:01 Fact 16 20
5:33 Fact 21 25
6:55 Fact 26 30
8:20 Fact 31 32
8:59 Outro

posted by heimtar1t