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99% of Devon Rex Owners Don't Know This

Cats Wiz

Did you know that the Devon Rex is often called the "pixie" cat due to its impish appearance? But how does their unique curly coat differ from other cat breeds?

The Devon Rex cat is a fascinating and distinct breed celebrated for its striking appearance and playful demeanor. These mediumsized felines sport a unique curly coat that feels remarkably soft to the touch, adding to their charm and individuality. Their large, batlike ears not only contribute to their elfin look but also serve as keen receptors, enhancing their exceptional hearing abilities. Their doglike loyalty and devotion make them standout companions, readily seeking out interactions and showering their loved ones with affectionate gestures.

So, whether you're fascinated by the Devon Rex's distinctive curly coat, their inquisitive ears, or their endearing loyalty, exploring these 27 facts is sure to deepen your admiration for this captivating feline breed.

Website: https://www.catswiz.com

0:00 Intro
0:04 Fact 1 5
0:58 Fact 6 10
2:11 Fact 11 15
3:10 Fact 16 20
4:15 Fact 21 25
5:11 Fact 26 27
5:37 Outro

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