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860 pieces in 3 hours! A bento shop in Tokyo that sells amazing bento boxes and has huge lines!

Wonderful Japanese Chefs

``Obento no Kawano'', located in HigashiShinbashi, Minatoku, Tokyo, is a longestablished bento shop that has been in business for 43 years and is extremely popular, with long lines of customers. The bento boxes, which are handmade and designed with the image of a mother cooking for her beloved family, sometimes contain a whole fish or meat so big that the lid won't close, and they also use highquality ingredients. The impact is outstanding, and they are made with nutritional balance in mind, such as the option of choosing nutritious brown rice and side dishes that use plenty of fresh vegetables. This lunch box is truly loved by moms, with a variety of daily specials that you can enjoy every day and plenty of volume. The owner, Mr. Inoue, prepares the food by himself every day after midnight, and by making small purchases, he has become a reliable ally for many office workers and office workers because he provides high quality products at low prices. Masu. The shop owner, Mr. Inoue, was very impressive when he said, ``I don't want to use weird ingredients or do anything fake just because the price is low.''

Shop: Bento no Kawano
Location: Palmaison 1F, 2125 HigashiShinbashi, Minatoku, Tokyo
Google Maps

[Bento Kawano's HP/SNS]
  / obentou_kawano

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[Time code]
0:00 Digest
0:49 Start of preparation
14:06 Opening
17:32 Lunch queue
19:16 Interview with the shop owner

#Lunch box #queue #HigashiShinbashi

posted by ponderirahr