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6 Shots Fired From A Hunting Rifle Didn't Stop This Brown Bear From Attacking Scott Newman

Scary Bear Attacks

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Welcome back to Scary Bear Attacks! Today’s episode takes us to the windblown ruggedness of Admiralty Island off the coast of Alaska. On the south end of the island is Pybus Bay which is fairly large and open. On the north end of the bay is a small peninsula like jut of land that pokes out a bit. At this point in the bay the beach is tangled with fallen trees and stumps making navigation and vision very difficult. The beach gives way to dense groves of spruce and fir with alder, willow and Devils club obscuring any hope anyone would have vision past a few yards. It is in this dangerous and wild setting that our episode today takes place.
On the morning of Monday, April twenty sixth, two thousand four, thirty nine year old Scott Newman had led a bear hunting client of his for the past nine days on a so far, fruitless brown bear hunt. His client was a textile manufacturer from Mexico city, whom we will refer to as Juan. With Juan's wife and Scott’s nephew, Levi Newman, acting as assistant guide and cook, the hunting trip took on a family friendly quality to it.
Scott was an avid outdoorsman, and had been guiding hunts for seventeen years. A little over twelve years ago, he started up his own guiding operation and was now doing it for his own business. Field and Stream magazine reported him as a superb guide and many of his clients agree.
For the prior nine days, The hunters would get up early and wolf down breakfast and coffee and either hit a trail to a nearby ridge, or hop in the skiff to look for bears along the edges of the bay. Each day they would glass the hillside from any vantage point they could find, but just weren’t seeing a lot of bears.
In fact, they had only seen nine bears to this point, and were becoming a little frustrated with the lack of cooperation they were getting from the bears. They are supposed to be out looking for food to break their winter fast of hibernation, but they were just not there. After passing on a decent bear on the 5th day of the hunt, their prospects were looking bleak.
On the tenth and final day of the hunt, they spotted a good brown bear boar toward the middle of the bay, on a little peninsula that pokes out a bit. Scott knew that this was the last best chance they would have at bagging a bear, even if it wasn’t the giant bruiser they were looking for. He piloted the boat downwind several hundred yards and quietly anchored their skiff and disembarked. Scott decided they would make the final approach on foot, which would give them a better chance to look the bear over and place a shot that would humanely conclude the hunt.
As the hunters closed in on the bear, they could see him doing something behind a group of dead fall logs on the beach. They would see his massive head pop up and down, and then one of his legs would poke out of the tangle. Then it would look as if it was moving off a bit, and then it would start all over again.
It is possible that the bear was digging for razor clams, which are a large sized clam species that buries itself on the sandy shores along the sea in the area. Bears love them and spend as much time as needed to dig them out and devour them. Each one goes on average at about point six three ounces of meat, which is rich in nutrients and fat, so it is a good food source for bears.
Scott kept an eye on the bear as the men navigated the deadfall trees littering the shore. They would have to crawl under some, or over others, all while making sure the winds stayed in their favor as they approached the bear.
The hunters managed to stalk within one hundred forty yards of the bear before running out of cover. They had no other means to get closer to him and remain hidden, so Scott had Juan set up to shoot on a log and they began waiting for a good shot on the bear. The fickle winds on the island concerned Scott a bit. He knew they might change at any moment so after a little while, he decided to try something new.
In the tangle of stumps and tree trunks, the bear still managed to stay obscured as the hunters approached. Scott decided a better angle was in order and began crawling on his belly toward the edge of the shoreline. He was hoping to see the bear's position, but what the bear did next, would put the entire hunting party at risk.
As Scott belly crawled while holding his rifle and binoculars, he glanced back toward Juan and noticed he had his rifle down and wasn’t ready to shoot. The bear decided he should investigate this new scent that had swirled into his nostrils as the wind shifted slightly. The boar brown bear leapt upon the criss crossed log jam and stared toward the hunters.
Juan was so excited by seeing the bear at such close range and presenting such a large portion of his body as a target, that he drew down on the bear while it was facing directly toward him.

posted by briabanerjee2b