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33 Days Among the Bears Documentary Film


33 days is a visual journey into the unique summer lives of polar bears and the photographers that braved the mosquitoes and harsh arctic conditions in order to capture them. Filmed over 2020 and 2021 follows the journey of Martin Gregus and his team as they spent some 33 days camping in their makeshift boat camp, living next to the arctic apex predator.

Utilizing drones and custombuilt equipment allowed the team to get up close and personal to the bears all the while staying invisible, often capturing intimate moments and unique hunting behaviours. Martin and his team had adjusted to showering in the 5 degree Arctic Ocean and living off of nothing but dried foods for weeks on end; all the while learning to function on three hours of bearinterrupted sleep. Observing the polar bears’ curiosity and compassion changed the lives of Martin and his team forever. The bears shared their most intimate moments with Martin’s team, enabling them to return home and share their stories with the world.

posted by kursenax