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3 Horrible Grizzly Bear Attacks From Canada

Scary Bear Attacks

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Excerpt #1
Fearful and profane words briefly flashed through his mind. He knew he was danger close to this cub and that what came next could be disastrous for him. He knew if he was lucky, he may be able to get to his bear spray, still stowed in his backpack, now leaning on his mountain bike.
As Jeremy bent down and opened the flap, a few things he neglected to do flashed through his mind. He now regretted not loading his firearm and leaving his bear spray at the bottom of his pack, instead of clipping it to his hip. Experience told him that missing these details is bad, but usually not crucial. His experience today would reveal just how crucial every little detail is when you are confronted by a grizzly.
Before he could get his hand around the handle of his bear spray bottle, an ominous crack of a twig snapping just behind his right shoulder provided a clue to the question that plagued him. As he turned his head he could see the sow grizzly in midair, her left paw outstretched toward him. The whites of her eyes conveyed her rage and her wide open mouth clearly presented her violent intentions.
Jeremy reacted lightningfast by grabbing his bike frame and positioning it between himself and the sow. As a hunter myself, I have played the mental gymnastic of the “what if” game. If a bear surprised me I would hold my bow out like a shield while stabbing with my arrows like giant daggers. It is kind of like the famous quote of Mike Tysons, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face”.

Excerpt #2
Colin thought that perhaps the bear needed a more convincing implication for its aggressive behavior. He picked his bike up over his head and hurled it toward the bear, hoping the sprockets or pedals might inflict a painful injury to the bear, convincing it to leave him alone. The bike simply bounced off of the bear and it ominously stepped over Colin’s only remaining means of defending himself.
By now the bear was only a few feet from Colin. It wrapped its paw around his waist and pulled him toward its wideopen mouth. He watched in terror as the bear clamped its enormous jaws onto the side of his abdomen, just above his left hip. Colin could feel his own hot blood pouring down his own skin.
Colin felt helpless, as the giant bear carried him like a dog carrying its favorite toy. He hung from its mouth, suspended by the flesh of his side, as it lumbered toward the edge of the road. It was clearly focused on taking the man into the bushes and killing him there.
As the bear carried Colin the fiftyfoot distance off the edge of the road, he kicked his feet, gouged it in the eyes, and twisted and peeled its lips back, trying to force it to drop him. As he reached for the bear's lips again, the bear swiveled its head and chomped onto his hand, fending it away.

Excerpt #3
At about seven p.m., a call came into the local police office. The caller was reporting a dead woman and wanted to have the police come investigate and recover the woman's body. After arriving at the scene the police officers noticed that Barara was in fact dead, and had been buried in a bear's food cache. When a bear hunts a human for food, it kills them then covers the corpse in duff and sticks to keep other animals away from it. They protect these good caches with their lives sometimes and are known to be aggressively defensive of their food sources.
The grizzlies in this area do not have the benefit of a seasonal salmon run like the bears in the Canadian Rockies a short distance away. If they are not strong enough to migrate west to claim and defend a salmon fishing spot, then they have to find food near them. This forces them to wander far and wide in search of enough calories to pack on the weight they will need to survive hibernation. As you can imagine this takes a toll on the bears and creates a desperate situation for older, less mobile bears. Desperate grizzlies rarely make good company to human beings.

posted by briabanerjee2b