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18 Things That Actually Exist


All of these things are actually real...for some reason.

Links to original videos:

Tailly:    • "Tailly", the tail that wags when you...  
Caviar Vending Machine:    • Video  
Never Wet Plunger:    • ClearnClean Side by Side YOU TUBE.wmv  !
Floppy disk coffee table:    • Der Floppy Table  Design von Neulant...  
Dog on two legs:    • Video  
Horse trot sound effects for bikes:    • Trotify In The Wild  
Toiletthemed restaurant:    • Eating from your toilet bowl  
Exploding Cattails:    • Video  
Flying lawnmower:    • Flying Lawnmower  
GTA horse mod:
   • poonikins the magic warrior princess  
Doritos soup:    • How to Make Doritos Consomme  CHOW Tip  !
Jetpack costume:    • Funny Japanese Jet Pack Costume  
Room illusion:    • Ramachandran  Ames room illusion exp...  
DeLorean hovercraft:    • Video  
Straightjacket for babies:    • Video  
Japanese Binocular Soccer:    • Video  
PedalFree Bicycle:    • Video  
Electric scooter for parrots:    • Video  

posted by nomentej0