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16 SHOCKING Things Your Cat KNOWS About You

Healthy and Happy Pets

16 SHOCKING Things Your Cat KNOWS About You
Have you ever wondered how much your cat really knows about you? These felines are more than just companions – they are true experts at reading your mood and anticipating your movements. In this video, we tell you 16 incredible things your cat already knows about you. Find out how that silent observer knows your secrets better than you imagine!
Cats detect your happiness through facial expressions, responding with affectionate behaviors such as purring or performing the “slow blink”.
Cats sense hormonal changes in pregnant women thanks to their keen sense of smell and changes in body temperature.
With their exceptional hearing, cats always know where you are at home, using their hearing ability to track your movements.
They detect when you go on a trip by observing changes in your routine, which generates anxiety and leads them to seek your company.
Cats identify where you have been through the smells you bring with you, differentiating places and people.
They know when to meow to get your attention and have learned to use meowing as a communication tool only with humans.
Cats detect your fear through physiological changes such as increased adrenaline, reacting to your emotional state.
They have a perception of time, showing more excitement when reunited with you after long periods of separation.
Cats know when you are angry, identifying changes in your tone of voice and facial expression.
They respond better to a soft tone of voice, which generates a closer connection between the two of you.
They can predict epileptic seizures due to their ability to detect chemical changes in the human body.
Cats are aware of your love and sense it through your caresses, the tone of your voice and your attention.
They detect changes in your mood and adjust their behavior to recommend support.
Cats, happiness, pregnant, smell, fear, travel, time perception, tone of voice, meows, seizures, mood, cathuman connection.

posted by genelengt3