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12 Things Cats Hate the Most

Meow For Life

What is up with all the hissing and the scratching ? Why is my cat so aggressive ? Maybe it is because you are doing things your cat hate ! Find out 12 things your cat hate the most in this video and avoid doing them all together !
#1 Taking a bath
#2 Dirty Litter box
#3 HighPitch sound and loud noises
#4 Other Cats in “Their” Territory
#5 Aggressive Petting
#6 Boredom
#7 Strangers
#8 Stale food
#9 Being outside/Car ride/Pet hospital
#10 Cucumber ( Surprises )
#11 Too Much Attention
#12 Not Enough Attention
Cat Video Playlist : https://shorturl.at/bvEG4
About Us : Meow for Life is an education and entertainment channel dedicated to creating top quality cat videos! We uses top 10 or top 5 format to cover interesting facts about cats, covering cat 101 as well as specific videos that focus on different cat breeds : Turkish angora, American Shorthair, Maine coon cat, Russian blue, Exotic Shorthair , Somali…we will cover them all !

Thinking about adopting a tabby cat but not sure if a cat is right for you ? Curious about different kinds of cat breeds ? Can’t get enough of cat purring and cat meowing ? Then you come to the right place ! We are animal lovers who absolutely adores kitty !

We would like to share all types of cats video with you, from kitten rescue or a touching story about stray cats.
Subscribe : https://bit.ly/3fbbXxx
For copyright matters, Please contact us : https://[email protected]

Translated titles:
12 cosas que los gatos odian más

12 Dinge, die Katzen am meisten hassen

12 choses que les chats détestent le plus

12 coisas que os gatos mais odeiam

12 चीजें बिल्लियाँ सबसे ज्यादा नफरत कर

12 أشياء تكرهها القطط أكثر من غيرها



고양이가 가장 싫어하는 12 가지

12 вещей, которые кошки ненавидят больше всего

posted by traplozec1