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Hey guys! It's YaBoyPsycho! With this channel, I heavily cover the video game known as Fortnite! I create various videos, such as ones on cosmetics, great/funny gameplays, highlight clips, and other types of videos. I also may cover additional content, such as other video games in the future as well. Thank you for checking out the channel! Make sure to subscribe to join the evergrowing Fortnite community we have here!

(AKA Psycho or YBP)
Twitter: @YaBoyPsycho

YouTube Birth Date: June 26, 2013
I appreciate every single positive comment, like, or any other subscriber activity from you guys! I want to interact with you all so don't be shy!
5,000 Subscribers ( ✓ 72815)
1,000,000 views! 7302015
6,000 Subscribers (✓ 1162015)
7,000 Subscribers (✓ 112016)
8,000 Subscribers (✓ 13116)
10,000 Subscribers (✓ 3222016)
11k (✓ 33016) 12k (✓ 4416) 13k ( ✓ 41916)
100,000 subs (71818)
200k subs (91318)

posted by romatwy