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Vermicompost Learn by Doing

Vermicompost Learn by Doing
Helping you learn to make natural organic fertilizer with compost worms by showing you my journey learning to vermicompost in a Vermihut Indoor Wormbin, Tiny Indoor Wormbin, Urban Worm Bag & Outdoor Wormbin made of two 20 gallon fabric pots. I'll take you along letting you know what I have learned as I feed & care for my red wiggler & blue composting worms as they make natural organic fertilizer & soil amendments for my garden. As a bonus, I'm recycling my food scraps, keeping waste from going to the landfill & enjoying the hobby.

If you have been thinking about Vermicomposting...Just get stared and Learn By Doing with me! There's no better time then right now to start!! My videos can help you on your journey.

I try to feed my worms every 7 days so I will be posting 3 videos a week, one for each worm bin & playlist. I hope you enjoy!

posted by kustlichtkl