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Phoenix Genesis

Phoenix Genesis
Phoenix Genesis® is devoted to the latest news, politics, law, music, movies, television, books, comics, photography, animals & pets, service dog training, product reviews, hiking, ultralight backpacking, video games news & reviews & gameplay. Enjoy our videos. The Phoenix Genesis® website launched in February 2000, so we have been around since the beginning of the modern video game era. Des Manttari is the editorinchief as well as a professional gamer who is internationally known as phoenixgenesis®, providing services & having been featured in a number of media outlets & stations, including G4TV and E3 Expo's official website.

Legal Disclaimer: All content, where applicable, is copyright (c) 20002022 inclusive by the Martin B. Schapiro Exodus Trust,
Estabilished 1994, dba, Phoenix Genesis / MBS LP, a California Limited Partnership. "Phoenix Genesis" and "phoenixgenesis" are both, separately and together, registered trademarks of Phoenix Genesis / MBS LP. All rights are reserved.

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