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Guillaume Moubeche

Guillaume Moubeche
I'm G., and here's my story in a nutshell:

Founded 2 businesses: one sold at $600k ARR, the other valued at $150M+
Authored a book "The $150M Secret"
Featured in 200+ media outlets

$0$20M ARR in 5 yrs without funding
Building Profitled Growth: the only resource you need to grow a profitable SaaS business

What you'll get by following me:
Actionable tips to grow a profitable SaaS business
Transparent & actionable advice, no fluff
Exclusive updates on lempire’s growth

Ready to adopt a profitled growth approach and bootstrap the SaaS of your dream?

I’ll be posting business growth tips and tricks so hit that “Follow” button!

Peace, love & profit ✌


posted by sikayiseg1