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This is the official channel of FloyyMenor

FloyyMenor is a 19yearold Chilean singer, whose name is Alan Felipe, born in the city of La Serena and raised in the valley of Elqui "vicuña"

FloyyMenor, who has risen to the top without problems, albums "EL COMIENZO"

Among his hits we have "GATA ONLY" that leads him to position himself as the most listened to Chilean song in history, managing to be the first Chilean artist to have a song at number 1 on Billboard Hot Latin for more than 13 consecutive weeks, coming to be in the top 2 in the world as the most listened to song with more than 1.1B views on Spotify,

Other hits Apaga el Cel, Peligrosa

FloyyMenor first Chilean singer to be named 3 nominations in billboard 2024.

posted by RototypeKity7